Technical and Financial Site Supervision
Construction monitoring
Quality Assurance (QA) & Quality Control (QC)
Cost Control
Time monitoring
Since the very beginnings, the company provides professional supervision services in construction and reconstruction building projects.
Beside technical supervision in accordance with valid regulations our activities include QA/QC, Cost control, time monitoring and reporting. For registering deficiencies and the dynamics of their resolving during projects the PlanRadar application is used.
PDM Savjetovanje d.o.o. and its employees and associates (experts in their field) are highly experienced in working on projects that involve heritage building renovation works in Croatia, as well as on projects that include design and execution of works in the area of interior office design, but also have extensive experience in implementing projects contracted under the FIDIC contracting model for contracting works and services: according to the Red Book, the Yellow Book, and the Silver Book. We also participate in all other types of projects.
All of our employees are certified building engineers and they are all members of the Croatian Chamber of Civil Engineers.